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Articles must be useful and appropriate for our audience of San Diego consumers and homeowners, and may not be overly promotional toward a particular person, company, product, or service.

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By submitting written work (the Article) to MySanDiego (the Publication) you as the author agree to the following:

  1. You represent and warrant:
    1. That the Article is original, that you have full power to make this Agreement, and that you are the sole author(s).
    2. That the Article has not been previously published in whole or in part.
    3. That you will not submit or publish the Article elsewhere.
    4. That no part of the Article violates or infringes upon any copyright.
    5. That the Article contains no statement known to be false, is free of any libel or libelous innuendo, and is in no other way harmful.
  2. You agree to transfer (relinquish) all copyrights to the Article. You are granting exclusive ownership and usage rights to the Publication.
  3. You understand that the article you provide may be published on a page with ads or content sponsors.

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